Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mission Statement

This is a photo of Rodel talking to me on Skype using web cameras. Rodel is our Micro Banking Represenative in the Philippines. He finds the canidates for loans, comes up with ideas to improve their income, prices out the cost of those ideas, picks up the money transferred from the U.S., makes the purchases needed for the applicants, delivers the equipment and then helps them implement and succeed.

Our Mission Statement is
"To Eliminate Poverty through Small Interest Free Loans"
How it works:
1) We provide small interest free loans to the poor that will enable them to expand their income.
2) We help them with ideas of ways to improve their income.

3) We will provide training and other assistance to maximize the individual’s chances of success.

4) Over time they will repays their loans. These funds are then used again for more loans.

5) Loans repayment plans will be individualized to the lenders ability to repay.

Process for finding and making loans:
A) Rodel will find individuals and qualify them.
B) Steve, Rodel and our growing group will assist in ideas to expand their income.
C) Steve, Rodel and our growing group will decide if the loan qualifies to be funded.
D) Applicants will agree to the plans and begin learning how to best expand from Rodel.
E) Steve will send funds via to Rodel
G) Rodel will purchase the items for which the loans are made.
H) Rodel will deliver the goods and help implement the plan.
I) Rodel will monitor the applicants success and assist in their success.
J) Rodel will collect the loan repayments and put them into a bank account for the future.

Back Office:
A) Steve will pay Rodel $75 per month for his part time work as our MB Representative.
B) Steve will pay for Rodel's internet. $12/mo.
C) Steve will fund the loans and look for others that want to donate.
D) Steve will build a website to track progress.


kvhawker said...

This is great! We are very excited to see things develop. Thanks for your great work!

Syl said...

Nice website, Steve! Glad to have the opportunity to help, even if just a little.