Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Florencia - sells Fried Peanuts

(Rodel) I met our 4th Micro Finance Applicant and made an initial interview. Her name was Florencia, She's 77 years old selling Fried Peanuts in streets. Like other applicant we had, she used to borrowed capital from small capitalist offering 20% interest for every granted loan. Last month she said, she borrowed P500.00 and repaid in the amount of P600.00

As i talked with her, she said that All she need is an additional capital of P1,300 ($30) to sell peanuts and Boiled eggs (called BALOT at PENOY in Philippines).

I will interview her again tomorrow to find out more about her and other plans she had in mind.
(Steve) As of this posting, we have not yet made the loan. I am awaiting the outcome from the interview Rodel said he would conduct.

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